Chen-ou Liu's Translation Project: First English-Chinese Haiku and Tanka Blog

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Canadian Story: A Haibun

In memory of my friend and teacher, Paul Crudden

In 2004, I volunteered at a long-term care center as a friendly visitor for one of its residents, Paul Crudden. His illness made him speak with difficulty, but it didn’t stop him from conversing. Once a week I would show him how to use the Internet and we'd discuss Chinese language and culture about which he was insatiably interested.

We sometimes met at my home where we’d watch and discuss films. Paul had worked in Hollywood and I had been a film critic in Taiwan. There seemed to be a karmic link between us.

from the twisted mouth

One day I visited him, and he sensed that I was upset. Guessing the issue, he said, “Chen-ou, don’t worry about your English. Both of us have speaking problems, but many people around us have listening problems.”

the last visit...
grasping at the air
his bony hand

Paul's acceptance and encouragement made the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms relevant to me. He passed away on Oct., 30, 2005. Two years later, I received my Canadian citizenship.

late Paul
puts his hand on my shoulder…
snow on snow

Notes From the Gean, Vol. 2, issue #2