Chen-ou Liu's Translation Project: First English-Chinese Haiku and Tanka Blog

Friday, August 27, 2010

Ghost Senryu

first day of Ghost Month ...
will Jesus and Buddha dwell
as my neighbors?

World Kigo Database (hungry ghosts, gaki)

Note:The seventh month in the Chinese lunar calendar is regarded as Ghost Month. During the month, the gates of Heaven and Hell are opened to free the hungry spirits of the dead who then wander to seek food in the world of the living people. In order to avoid bad luck caused by ghosts or to pay homage to their deceased ancestors, the Chinese burn paper money, paper TV sets, and even paper cars and houses, and most importantly, prepare all sorts of food, to please their dead relatives or ghosts and to help them live happily in their “lifeworld.”

The Chinese view the fifteenth of the month as the most important day to give a feast to please the ghosts and also to receive blessings from their deceased relatives. It is traditionally called the Ghost Festival, also known as the Hungry Ghost Festival. Fifteen days after the festival, the ghosts will return to their world and the gates will be closed again.