Chen-ou Liu's Translation Project: First English-Chinese Haiku and Tanka Blog

Friday, September 17, 2010

June Frogs and I: A Gogyohka Sequence

for Matsuo Basho

Basho's frog
jumps in an old pond
no sound heard
yet it ripples
in the minds of poets

where there is
neither pond nor frog
I sit still to hear
the sound of a frog
jumping into the pond

one frog
after another
into the pond of my mind
lub dub, lub dub, lub dub

the frog of my mind
into the pond of the zeitgeist
as it swims

under the basho tree
by an old pond
frogs and I
sing to one another

Note:"Basho's original name was Matsuo Kinsaku but he changed it to 'Basho' - after he was presented with a wide leafed banana tree (or basho tree) by one of his disciples. Although the tree is rare in Japan and the climate too cold for it to bear fruit, Basho liked it because of its large, soft leaves. The basho tree appeared frequently in his work:

Squalls shake the Basho
tree - all
night my basin echoes rain."

-- An excerpt from the webpage titled Basho of Poets' Graves

July/August 2010 issue of Sketchbook