long, narrow
aisle to the altar
the guests
stand on both sides thinking
they married the wrong people
the morning
greeting has long gone
he ponders
buying that magic blue pill
maybe ten minutes longer
first time
in the Bra Lounge
she wonders
if these fancy bras are those
his interns wear
back from
the housewarming party
they argue
about whose house is bigger
whose children look smart
children's rooms
filled with autumn moonlight
the old couple
sit silently
staring at the TV screen
slow walk
to the church cemetery
the mourners
wear long faces
speaking ill of the deceased
Haiku Canada Review, Vol. 5 No. 1
Take Five : Best Contemporary Tanka, 4, 2012
Butterfly Dream: Snowshoe Hare Haiku by Chuck Brickley
*English Original*
a snowshoe hare
hops through its breath
morning star
*Earthshine*, 2017
Chuck Brickley
*Chinese Translation (Traditional)*