Chen-ou Liu's Translation Project: First English-Chinese Haiku and Tanka Blog

Monday, March 14, 2011

Two Haiku about Art

reading For Years Now...
the whistling sound from afar
breaks this moonless night

page after page I see those
peering eyes in words

World Kigo Database (W. G. Sebald)

Note: Although best known as one of the exemplary novelists of the late 20th century, W. G. Sebald also wrote poetry. For Years Now is a book of 23 poems with images provided by visual artist, Tess Jaray. Unrecounted is a book of 33 poems juxtaposed with Jan Peter Tripp's thirty-three lithographs, which could pass for black-and-white photographs of the human eyes. The whole book is viewed by literary critic Andrea Köhler as a poem of gazes.

The poems in both book are extremely short, haiku-like -- as few as five words (including the title that is constantly utilized as the first line of the poem), rarely more than fifteen words -- micropoems, Sebald called them, writes translator Michael Hamburger.

In a letter to Hamburger, Tess Jaray mentioned that " [Sebald] carried a book of Japanese haiku when he brought her the first of these texts – one possible clue to the model that Sebald may have had in mind for [his poems], only to play variations on the model in his own fashion" (Unrecounted, p. 8)

In my first haiku, I allude to Sebald's title poem,

For years now

I've had this
sound in
my ears