Chen-ou Liu's Translation Project: First English-Chinese Haiku and Tanka Blog

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Tough Civil War Tanka

This Brave New World, LXXVI

my Christian friend 
fought a tough civil war
against his gayness ...
his mother who never fought him
now sets out to fight her world

AddedThis Brave New World, LXXVII
written in response to the 162nd/Dadeville, Alabama mass shooting in the USA, 2023

shooting after shooting
a load of hot air
about thoughts and prayers

FYI: According to Gun Violence Archive, there were 6 other mass shootings nationwide last Saturday alone. 

AddedThis Brave New World, LXXVIII

on the billboard
row upon row of smiling teens
in T-shirts and hoodies ...
the caption below reads
Fentanyl steals your friends

Addedreading between the lives and writing between the lines, LXV

cheap is the new chic
at the checkout line a teen
murmurs to herself

Note: This haiku is a sequel to my haiku below: 

among strangers
hunting for the cheapest items
this loneliness ...

NeverEnding Story, March 9 2023

AddedThis Brave New World, LXXIX

Fox anchor's mouth
twists into a bitter smile ...
our commitment 
to the highest [no, most costly]
"journalistic standards"

FYI: Yahoo!News, April 18: Dominion attorney says $787.5M settlement with Fox 'represents vindication and accountability'

Dominion attorney, Justin Nelson: The truth matters. Lies have consequences. Over two years ago, a torrent of lies swept Dominion and election officials across America into an alternative universe of conspiracy theories, causing grievous harm to Dominion and the country.

Today's settlement of $787,500,000 represents vindication and accountability. Lies have consequences. The truth does not know red or blue. People across the political spectrum can and should disagree on issues, even of the most profound importance....

And FYI: Nicholas Carlson, Insider, April 24:Rupert Murdoch himself made the decision to fire Tucker Carlson over January 6 conspiracy theories and Dominion discrimination claims.