Chen-ou Liu's Translation Project: First English-Chinese Haiku and Tanka Blog

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Parting Words Tanka

in dim streetlight
love alone doesn't put food
on the table ...
her parting words taken
by the winter gust


in my dream
this blurry silhouette ...
waves of time
flood her footprints
in the life we had

AddedThis Brave New World, CXL

phalanx after phalanx
of black-clad men in Rome
fascist salutes

FYI: NBC News, Jan.9: Outrage in Italy after hundreds give fascist salute at a rally in Rome

The rally was held in front of the former headquarters of a post-war neo-fascist party called the Italian Social Movement (MSI), which gave root to the Brothers of Italy party now led by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. 

Meloni came to power in 2022 as Italy’s first female prime minister at the head of a coalition, giving the country its most right-wing government since World War II. She praised Mussolini in her youth but has since changed her stance and said there was “no space” in her party “for nostalgia for fascism, racism or antisemitism.”