Chen-ou Liu's Translation Project: First English-Chinese Haiku and Tanka Blog

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Lost in the Silence

Christmas Eve
I refill my whiskey glass
with snowlight

Christmas morning
the sound of snowflakes
on snowflakes

Note: This haiku set could be read as a prequel to the following:

at snow crystals on the skylight
this Christmas morning
how small and how large
my world without you


a whiff
of Christmas leftovers ...
things half-spoken

AddedBetween Heaven and Hell, XV

half asleep, half awake ...
the in and out
of this 51st US state

FYI: Yahoo News, Dec. 26: Trump floats Wayne Gretzky as 'Governor of Canada' while Trudeau's Christmas message struggles to make a mark: "It no longer looks like a joke"

Donald Trump is offering Canadians a reduction of 'more than 60%' in taxes if their government joins America as its 51st state