grassy fields...
nothing stands between me
and the sun
nothing stands between me
and the sun
Portuguese Translation by Henrique Pimenta
verdinho o campo
nadinha entre mim
e o sol
Serbian Translation by Saša Važić
travnata polja...
ničega između mene
i sunca
Third Choice, Best of Issue, Haiku Reality, 5, 2010
Editors' Comments:
Both an'ya and I [Jasminka Nadaškić-Đorđević] agreed on this haiku by Chen-ou Liu for our Third Favorite. Here is one simple picture, everybody can imagine, or remember, or feel it. This is one great moment when man, as the only one in the world, can feel only nature around him and inside. — Jaca & an'ya.
I an'ya i ja smo se složile da ovom haiku Čen-ou Lia dodelimo treće mesto. Evo jednostavne slike, koju svako može da zamisli ili oseti. To je odlično opisan trenutak u kome čovek, kao jedani na svetu, može da oseti samo prirodu oko sebe i u sebi. — Jaca i an'ya.