Chen-ou Liu's Translation Project: First English-Chinese Haiku and Tanka Blog

Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Haiku about Taiwan

over Ajax
the rainy June sky --
I long for Taiwan

written for Basho
and in response to his haiku below:

even in Kyoto--
hearing the cuckoo's cry--
I long for Kyoto.

World Kigo Database (Taiwan)

Note: In Ajax, the sun comes in unequal measures, but it seldom rains. If it does, it seldom lasts half a day. In Taiwan, the main rainy season, which lasts from mid-May through to mid-June, is a period of time referred to as Meiyu Jijie (梅雨季節), meaning "plum rain season" as it coincides with the plum season. The island can expect heavy rainfall during the plum rain season, during which about 25 percent of the annual rainfall in northern Taiwan falls.