Chen-ou Liu's Translation Project: First English-Chinese Haiku and Tanka Blog

Monday, January 27, 2025

Years-Old Game Tanka

night walk
from drizzle to sleet to snow --
this years-old game
of would have, could have, should have
with my drunken shadow


talk of divorce
on the long way home
for an hour
her silence speaks louder
than the sound of a blizzard


Glimpses of Light

burnt houses
the fruit of a charred citrus tree 
clings to its branches 

smoldering ruins
an etched mural stands alone
at the temple 

FYI: This is a sequel to the following haiku:

No More Fairy Tales, XLIII

a stairway
what remains of a burned house ...
Pacific Coast sunset

Added: On the Brink of Trumperica, IX

the White House
pronounces, only two sexes...
trans youth trapped
between black-and-white Kansas
and rainbow-colored Oz

FYI: In 2021, President Joe Biden issued the first presidential proclamation recognizing Transgender Day of Visibility. And the first International Transgender Day of Visibility was held on March 31, 2009.