Chen-ou Liu's Translation Project: First English-Chinese Haiku and Tanka Blog

Friday, August 9, 2024


simmering heat 
every touch of her

you ask, I answer
last light of day

my body alone
night chill deepening

FYI: This [first] 2-line haiku sequence is written in response to the following:

After Dusk

the firefly
is fueling

however small
light lovers

our bodies
to light

Listen to Light, 1980

Raymond Roseliep

Addedreading between the lives and writing between the lines, LXXXVI

shooting her husband
in the heart three times
the neighbour 
said nothing... and yet
everything to each of us

FYI: This could be read as a sequl to my tanka below:

a winter fog
smothers the winding road
to her mother's house
the bruises on her face
say everything & nothing

Bulgarian and English Tanka Handbook (edited by Dimitar Anakiev), 2022

AddedAgainst the Drowning Noise of Other Words, LXXXVII: "Life still goes on"

by rubble that was once his home
this Gazan man
flashes a defiant smile ...
his X post reads, Life still goes on

AddedAgainst the Drowning Noise of Other Words, LXXXVIII: "settler violence"

a settler aims his gun | a child throws his rock

FYI: NBC News, August 8: The silent war: Settler violence in the West Bank surges since Oct. 7