Chen-ou Liu's Translation Project: First English-Chinese Haiku and Tanka Blog

Friday, January 18, 2019

Minaret Haiku

a minaret
sharpened by moonlight
distant gunshots

tinywords, 18:2, 2018

Commentary by Autumn Noelle Hall: ... The crispness of the specific imagery coupled with the shot-like sound of all those ending ttt's activates the poem and brings it to life. But more importantly, the astute juxtaposition of the minaret--the Mosque tower from which a muezzin calls worshipers to prayer--with the reality of ongoing war creates a poignant tug between spirit and flesh. This, too, is what is is to be human; and you've captured that sublimity. This poem will remain with me for a long time--thank you for the impact you make with your work...