Chen-ou Liu's Translation Project: First English-Chinese Haiku and Tanka Blog

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

In Wine, There Is Truth

Breaking News! New national poll shows hypothetical Biden-Trump rematch in a tie. Like blowflies, these black, boldfaced words buzz around what's left of my sanity. I put away the newspaper.

Each night has enough trouble of its own.

dim barlight
alone with a bottle of gin
I count Trump charges

Happy Hour
I raise the last glass
to my reflection

Tomorrow will take care of itself. This is America.

FYI: The New Yorker, Nov 9: The Warnings About Trump in 2024 Are Getting Louder

This was the week, to mangle a phrase, when people finally freaked out about Donald Trump becoming President again. “Whichever individual poll you choose to believe or not,” Susan B. Glasser writes in her latest column from Washington, “the data point overwhelmingly to Biden sitting at near-historic lows in popularity and being essentially tied with Trump, a man who is running on an explicit platform of revenge, retribution, and Constitution-termination.

And CNN, Nov. 10: ‘That’s insane’: CNN panel on what Trump said he would do if re-elected

“CNN This Morning” panel discusses Donald Trump’s interview with Univision, in which the former president hinted he would weaponize the Department of Justice against political enemies if re-elected.