Chen-ou Liu's Translation Project: First English-Chinese Haiku and Tanka Blog

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

War Crime News Haiku

Against the Drowning Noise of Other Words, CIX: "war crime news"

war crime news on pause
the rise, fall and rise again
of my newborn's chest

FYI: Israel's Oldest Daily, Haaretz Opinion, Oct. 15Israel Has Shelved the Rule of Law in War and at Home

Wild conduct by soldiers in the West Bank and Gaza, destruction of property, using Palestinians as "sniffer dogs" and indiscriminate killing of civilians have become accepted norms that draw their legitimacy from being an inseparable part of the holy war in which all is permitted.

The Times of Israel, Oct. 15US warns Israel that weapon supply at risk if Gaza aid crisis not addressed in 30 days

Middle East Monitor, Oct. 14: Ireland says attack on northern Gaza is a war crime:
Micheál Martin, Ireland’s Tánaiste (deputy prime minister), described the scenes in Jabalia as “horrific” in a statement on Sunday, adding:

An offensive by the Israel Defence Forces, backed by tanks and air strikes, has left dozens of civilians dead, many close to starvation, and access to humanitarian aid extremely curtailed. An entire population is being encircled and forced out, with nowhere for them to go...

Haaretz, Oct. 6Al Jazeera Documentary Uses Israeli Soldiers' Social Media Footage to Accuse Them of War Crimes: Names and identifying details of soldiers who served in Gaza are used in the film, alongside footage they posted of their own misconduct throughout the war.

ICJP Panel: Israeli soldiers document their own war crimes online
On Wednesday 9th October 2024, The International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP), hosted a documentary screening of Al Jazeera’s documentary film titled Gaza, followed by a panel discussion featuring eyewitnesses of the war crimes.

And this haiku could be read as a sequel to my tanka prose below:

A Corner of This Broken World

After a long pause, her voice cracking on the phone, my Israeli friend tells me, "I don't know how to calm my two girls. We're near the border, and they're frightened by the piercing sound of fighter jets constantly flying over our community. Sometimes, they can hear the boom, boom, boom from a distance just minutes after fighter jets fly past our house. I can only comfort them by saying that these are good booms. I feel guilty, I... " My friend hangs up the phone.

the sunset
in a blaze of orange and red
across the sky ...
Gazan children's faces raw
with fear of the unknown

Ribbons, 20:2, Autumn/Winter 2024

Added: Against the Drowning Noise of Other Words, CX: "one way"
written in response to Crime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's remark:In the Middle East, without the sword there is no forever.

one way forwar(d)  fireballafterfireball

FYI: Haaretz, Oct. 10: "We Won't Be Forgiven for Weakness": Golda Meir's Warning Revealed in Declassified Yom Kippur War Tapes

Fifty one years after the Yom Kippur War, the IDF archive releases a recording of a November 1973 cabinet meeting in which there was total consensus: There is no chance for genuine peace with the Arabs

"We'll be forgiven for many things, all but one – and that's weakness. The moment we are marked as weak – it's over. This is an unforgivable sin."

These words, spoken by Prime Minister Golda Meir, were recorded at a cabinet meeting that took place 51 years ago, right after the Yom Kippur War. 

The unequivocal conclusion of the meeting was bleak: There is no chance for real peace with the Arabs.

Added: Against the Drowning Noise of Other Words, CXI: "young Israeli soldiers "

a head
severed from the body
grits its teeth ...
moonlight luster on the faces 
of young Israeli soldiers 

FYI: National military service is mandatory for all Israeli citizens over the age of 18.

Added: Game Show, 2024, LXVIII

the TV blasts
from fine people on both sides
to the enemy within ...
ten feet higher the fence 
between my neighbor and me

Tuesday, October 15, 2024


my love grasps the thread
of her breath from the edge
of orgasm
she spins, spinning it
into a passion story 

love after love
we exhaust each other –
in her heart
swirls something dark
in a space I cannot see

Monday, October 14, 2024

Thanksgiving Dinner Haiku

Thanksgiving dinner
between mouthfuls and refills
this hushed silence

For more of Thanksgiving poems, see Special Feature: Selected Poems for Reflections on Canadian No/Thanks(Giving) during Hard times [for Whatever Reason]

Saturday, October 12, 2024

A Makeover

oh, you speak well
where are you really from?
behind the fence
my neighbor, a native speaker
of the weasel language 

this dream loop,
a moment in Taipei
then next in Ajax ...
mental quicksand where
the past drowns the present

another round
of armed conflict in the news
as a new year starts
I ponder the endings
in my immigrant life

Ribbons, 20:2, Autumn/Winter 2024

Friday, October 11, 2024

Yom Kippur Haiku

Against the Drowning Noise of Other Words, CVII: "Yom Kippur"
written on Yom Kippur (lit. "Day of Atonement"), Evening of Fri, Oct 11 – Sat, Oct 12

Yom Kippur 
A Gazan doctor's blood flows
over dried blood on the floor

For more about Israeli War Crimes, see Special Feature: "Selected Poems for Reflections on UN Commission Report on Israel's War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity"

AddedAgainst the Drowning Noise of Other Words, CVIII: "Lebanon Attacks"


FYI: Politico, Oct. 1340 countries ‘strongly condemn’ Israeli attacks on UN peacekeepers
At least five members of UNIFIL peacekeeping mission have been wounded in south Lebanon in recent days.

And Democracy Now, Oct. 14Israel Accused of Committing War Crimes by Attacking U.N. Peacekeepers in Lebanon

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Path of Milton Haiku

No More Fairy Tales, XXXIV

the path of Milton ...
a bunglow tied down by straps
bolted to the ground

FYI: The New Yorker, Oct. 8Why Hurricane Milton Is a Sign of the New Abnormal

“We are stepping into a critical and unpredictable new phase of the climate crisis.” This assessment, co-authored by several of the world’s leading climate scientists, was published on Tuesday, in the journal BioScience. 

Milton, pretty much from its inception, has been an abnormal storm. “It is exceedingly rare for a hurricane to form in the western Gulf, track eastward, and make landfall on the Western coast of Florida,” Jonathan Lin, an atmospheric scientist at Cornell, explained to Vox. As Milton swirled over the Gulf of Mexico, it encountered water that was almost three and a half degrees hotter than usual for early October. 

The storm went from barely a hurricane to a Category 5 storm in less than twenty-four hours (FYI: CBS News, Oct. 10: Hurricane Milton makes landfall as Category 3 on Florida's west coast.) 

Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis, says that he’s “not a global-warming person.” Just a few months ago, he signed a bill that erased most references to the problem from state law. 

Added: Game Show, 2024, LXVI
written in response to ABC News, Oct. 7More than 230 people have been killed from Hurricane Helene, which unleashed devastation across Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia and Tennessee.

raging waters
tear through state after state
drill, baby, drill louder

FYI: KALW Public Media, Oct. 8Donald Trump's "drill, baby, drill" policies will worsen the climate crisis. And MSNBC, August 8: Trump’s "drill baby drill" plan: The wrong answer to the right questions

Asked about his jobs plan, Donald Trump pointed to oil drilling
Asked about housing affordability, he again pointed to oil drilling.

AddedNo More Fairy Tales, XXXV

traffic on the 12-lane highway
as raging waters sweep
t o ge t   h  e   r  a gain

AddedGame Show, 2024, LXVII

my body, my choice 
penetrating the distant chants
of USA!
I gaze at Lady Liberty’s
forward-facing charge

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Void Tanka

three lines
into the first tanka
of this dark night ...
I pause and listen
to the void in my life

Ribbons, 20:2, Autumn/Winter 2024

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

A Corner of This Broken World

After a long pause, her voice cracking on the phone, my Israeli friend tells me, "I don't know how to calm my two girls. We're near the border, and they're frightened by the piercing sound of fighter jets constantly flying over our community. Sometimes, they can hear the boom, boom, boom from a distance just minutes after fighter jets fly past our house. I can only comfort them by saying that these are good booms. I feel guilty, I... " My friend hangs up the phone.

the sunset
in a blaze of orange and red
across the sky ...
Gazan children's faces raw
with fear of the unknown

Ribbons, 20:2, Autumn/Winter 2024

FYI: For more poems about the Israel-Hamas War, Special Feature, October 7Selected Poems for Reflections on "CeaseFire Now" and "Saving the Children"

Monday, October 7, 2024

Sounds of Death Tanka

Against the Drowning Noise of Other Words, CV: "the sounds of death"
First "thought experiment" tanka to George Berkeley's ghost

if one-ton bombs fall 
on housing blocks, but no Israeli’s there 
to hear them ...
in a mobbed pub I muse
does they make the sounds of death?

FYI: "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" is George Berkeley's philosophical thought experiment that raises questions regarding observation and perception. For more about writing sarcastic tanka, see To the Lighthouse: A Rhetorical Device, Sarcasm.

And this tanka could be read as a sequel to the following:

Against the Drowning Noise of Other Words, XVIII: "Rafah"

attacks on Rafah ... (now on both Gaza and Beirut)
will the sound of bombings 
echo, echoing
in the ears of the World
thousands of miles away

AddedAgainst the Drowning Noise of Other Words, CVI: "one year on"

One Year On

this silent scene
spins in a mother's mind
like a kaleidoscope:
smashed blood-stained photo frames 
cover lifeless kibbutz children

shrapnel wounds
on the faces of Gazan kids
who look for mothers ...
another US-made bomb falls
to finish all that remains 

an old man
crying out, where should we go?
the Heavens blocked
by a swarm of fighter jets 
and the fire-smoke of Death

this endless loop:
October 7, October 7 ....
[and yet 
the decades before
and the day after...] bloodshedding

For more poems about the Israel-Hamas War, Special Feature, October 7Selected Poems for Reflections on "CeaseFire Now" and "Saving the Children"

Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Torah tells me

"Your brother's blood cries out from the ground, but no one, including my rabbi father, tells me that it also cries out from the blood-stained uniform I wear, from the memories I shared with fallen comrades..."

The twentysomething soldier pauses for a moment, looking intensely at the reporter. "Most importantly, no one tells me that there is other blood crying out from a hand in the rubble, from a mother with her dying baby, from my dreams ..." Angrily, he turns around and walks away.

"Together We Will Win"
fraying at the edges ...
sirens pierce the night

FYI: For more poems about the Israel-Hamas War, Special Feature, October 7Selected Poems for Reflections on "CeaseFire Now" and "Saving the Children"

Friday, October 4, 2024

Moonlit Dark Haiku

the neighbor's garden
fading into moonlit dark
a foreclosure sign


three glasses down
the lingering smell
of his apology

Added: Against the Drowning Noise of Other Words, CII: "between fireballs"

calm between fireballs ...
moonlit ravens' kraa-kraa-kraa

Added: Against the Drowning Noise of Other Words, CIII: "Israeli settler"
First Three-Line Visual Tanka

          under        slate-gray            skies

a settler aims his gun | a boy throws his rock

          tank track marks on the grass

FYI: The "single vertical line" has become the standard format for tanka written by the Japanese poets since the latter half of the 19th century; However, Ishikawa Takuboku, author of Poems to Eat and Romaji Diary and Sad Toys,  advocated for and started writing two or three lines, depending on the rhythm of each tanka. For more, see Hiroaki Sato, “Lineation of Tanka in English Translation,” 42 Monumenta Nipponica 3:347-56, Autumn 1987.

Added: Against the Drowning Noise of Other Words, CIV: "scream after scream"

a scythe of lightning 
in Beirut's smoky orange sky
scream after scream cut off

FYI: Reuters, Oct. 6: UN refugee chief says airstrikes in Lebanon have violated humanitarian law

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Neighbor's Clothesline Kyoka

sleepless again
I look out the window
a breeze fondles
bras, panties, and lingerie
on the neighbor's clothesline

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

US-Made Bomb Tanka

Against the Drowning Noise of Other Words, CI: "Hezbollah" 

the shards
of a US-made bomb 
the skeletal remains 
of Beirut apartments

FYI: The Times of Israel, September 29Israel confirms bunker-buster bombs used in attack on Nasrallah

Wikipedia Entry Bunker Buster: A bunker buster is a type of munition that is designed to penetrate hardened targets or targets buried deep underground, such as military bunkers.

More recently, the US has developed the 30,000 lb (14,000 kg) GBU-57, which was designed to penetrate up to 200 feet of reinforced concrete.

NBC News, September 30Lebanese worry nowhere is safe amid widespread Israeli bombing

Democracy Now, September 30: Israeli Assassination of Hezbollah Chief Hassan Nasrallah “Shocked All of Lebanon.

I mean, Lebanon has one of the most, if not the highest percentage refugee population in the world. Now a million people are displaced. Many are trying to go into Syria right now.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Elder Friend Tanka

written for the 4th annual National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

my Elder friend
murmurs to himself:
the only time
Indigenous people in the news
drumming, dancing, drunk or dead

FYI: For more poems, see Special Feature: Selected Poems for Reflections on National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

One way of posing the "question of who Canadians are" ... is by asking whose lives are considered valuable, whose lives are mourned, and "whose lives are considered un-grievable."

-- paraphrasing Judith Bulter

Saturday, September 28, 2024

A Fistful Tanka

a fistful
of childhood river sand
sifts back to sand ...
without my first love
Time and I become one

AddedAgainst the Drowning Noise of Other Words, C: "Hezbollah" 

pillars of fire 
and cloud after cloud of smoke ...
the minutes
unrolling Hezbollah news
and news spreading fake news


between the pages
of The Art of Loving
a wrinkled note ...
this borrowed book gives me
a borrowed life from my dream

FYI: The Art of Loving, a 1956 book by psychoanalyst and social philosopher Erich Fromm, explores the meaning and practice of love, arguing that it is not a feeling but an art that requires knowledge and effort to truly thrive.


the tip 
of a blade of grass
at twilight
this floating world 
in a dewdrop